2018, March 31st | March 2018 Car Auction – Live & Online

March 2018 Car Auction Auction: Saturday March 31, 2018 at 11am Preview: Saturday March 31, 2018 from 9am-11am Over 30 plus storage lien vehicles, plus consignments. Live and Online – Open to the Public If you would like to consign your vehicle call 254-718-5120.
Preview Dates:
  •   Mar. 31 @ 9:00AM CDT (Start)
  •   Mar. 31 @ 11:00AM CDT (End)
Pickup Dates:
  •   Mar. 31 @ 11:00AM CDT (Start)
  •   (End)

March 2018 Car Auction

Auction: Saturday March 31, 2018 at 11am
Preview: Saturday March 31, 2018 from 9am-11am

Over 30 plus storage lien vehicles, plus consignments.

Live and Online – Open to the Public

If you would like to consign your vehicle call 254-718-5120.

1. EVERYTHING MUST BE PAID IN FULL ON THE DAY OF THE AUCTION within 30 minutes of auction ending, regardless of when it is picked up. 2. Everything will be sold "AS IS, WHERE IS", with no guarantees of any kind, regardless of statement of condition made from the auction block. Buyers shall rely entirely on their own inspection and information. 3. Every effort is made to "guard" merchandise throughout the auction; however, the bidder becomes solely responsible for all items purchased by him immediately following his winning bid. Therefore, he is advised to further guard his items at his own discretion. 4. The Bidder is responsible for knowing which item he is bidding on. If he is unsure, he should inquire or not bid. When you become the winning bidder at auction you have effected a contract and will be expected to pay for items in which you were evidenced to be the successful bidder. Auctioneer will not honor "mistakes". 5. The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept bids in any increment he feels is in the best interest of his client, the seller. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject the bidding of any person whose conduct, actions, or adverse comments he feels are not in the best interest of the seller. 6. Pick-up times start immediately following auction until 5pm. WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR EASTER SUNDAY. Pick-up times Monday will be from 10AM-5PM. Any other times will have to be by appointment only. Any items left past 5 days will be deemed abandoned and become the property of CTAS. Please arrange your own shipper, we did not ship, although we will assist in meeting your shipper at the property for pick up by appointment. Please call Holly at 254-718-5120 ext 1 for an appointment or email at ctas@centraltexasauctions.com. Please make sure we reply that we have received and confirm your appointment before showing up. All items are located at 212 E Loop 121, Belton, TX 76513. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, Check (with Bank Letter of Guarantee); Visa, Mastercard or Discover ONSITE - 13% Buyers Premium with 3% CASH DISCOUNT ONLINE/PROXIBID - 18% Buyers Premium with 3% CASH DISCOUNT Please see www.proxibid.com/ctas for online Terms and Conditions. Central Texas Auction Services, LLC is licensed and regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations. Any compliments or complaints should be directed to the Department at 920 Colorado Drive Austin, TX 78701 512-463-6599. T. Gallaway TX AUC LIC#12798, J. Parker TX AUC LIC#13930